
Callout: Samba Supported Action Amsterdam Mon 4 July

This is an invitation to an action after the transnational camp of Rhythms of Resistance in Amsterdam.

You have probably heard us playing during demonstrations and actions. Rhythms of Resistance-Amsterdam is part of an international network of action-samba bands. Once every year the RoR bands from all over Europe and beyond come together for a meeting to discuss our politics and share our skills. This year, with RoR Amsterdam we are organising the meeting here. We will have a week of skill sharing and discussing, and want to finish with a massive samba supported action.

This means there will be around 60-70 activist sambistas from different locations ready and willing to support our local struggles. RoR Amsterdam together with other local activist took the initiative to start developing a frame work of action. On Monday 4th of July we will gather at 11:00 at “De Dokwerker”, Jonas DaniĆ«l Meijerplein and form a march to an undisclosed location. While making music and dancing through the city we want to draw attention to serious local issues.

The overarching theme is that money and consumption are closing up public space in Amsterdam. Alternative sounds are oppressed by the monoculture of budgeted projects and whoever does not consume is suspicious and unwelcome. But the city is not a theme park. With different groups we want to show that we are still here and we will not allow our space to be taken away. We will march through the city and stop at different symbolic places. Places that show that our priority is not money, but free spaces, democratic universities, social housing and refugee rights! Let’s march, dance and make music together!

RoR Amsterdam

FAIRpicknick aan de IJoever (naast EYE) // zaterdag 25 juni om 13u

Oproep uitnodiging.

Komt allen naar de PICKNIC aan Noordelijke IJ-oever.

Afgelopen mei maand was de actiemaand van Faircity en aangesloten initiatieven en organisaties.Dat was een succes omdat er veel is gebeurt en er kwam ook veel energie los. Dit was het begin van wat wij zelf zien als een sociale beweging die verder gaat in de stad met nieuwe onderwerpen en alternatieven.

Om kort terug te kijken op de actiemaand en meteen vooruit te denken willen we graag dat u naar onze PIcknic komt, op zaterdag 25 juni om 13 uur.
Het wordt gezellig en het is belangrijk dat u er bij bent. We gaan kijken wat we nog meer kunnen doen en dat doen we samen met u!

toegang gratis, alleen..
breng zelf iets mee aan bijdrage voor de Picnic/ fruit, brood, kaas, sap.
of chips, bounty en nootjes.

hartelijke groeten
en we hopen u te zien op zaterdag 25 juni!

Team Faircity.

tip: neem 1 iemand mee die nog niet bekend is met Faircity.
